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剑桥6 谢振礼 雅思范文: 入境随俗

剑桥6 谢振礼 雅思范文: 入境随俗

  剑桥6 谢振礼 雅思范文: 入境随俗

  Cambridge English 6

  IELTS Writing Task 2


  Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviors. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Essay: 谢振礼

  With approximately 200 countries and 7 billion people across the globe, we can imagine that many diverse cultures exist. In some countries, there are customs and behaviors that are different from ours. Should visitors to other countries follow local customs and behaviors, and should the host country welcome cultural differences?

  As visitors to other countries, we should always respect the local customs and behavior codes of the country we are visiting to avoid getting into trouble by offending the locals. Respect should be the guiding principle behind all our actions. For example, we should remember that often the local customs and behaviors also apply to us as visitors, so it is our responsibility to follow them. Further, we should be sensitive to the customs and behaviors seen in a different cultural background, so we should behave appropriately and modestly, particularly in public places. Even if we do not agree with a custom or a behavior, we should honor our role as visitors in someone else’s home and follow their lead, allowing local actions to guide all of our behaviors. The old cliché “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” may be the golden rule. That is, when we are visiting another place, we should follow the customs and behaviors in that place.

  In today’s world of being increasingly open-minded, the host country should welcome cultural differences between each other. We should accept that there are many different customs and behaviors other than our own, and we need to start thinking about the positives of different cultures and about how surrounding ourselves with diverse groups of people can enrich our lives. If we are able to know about other cultures, and respect their customs and behaviors, life would be easier for most of us, and besides we can learn a lot of good things from each other, adults and children alike. It is important for adults to teach children to be accepting of different races, ethnicities and religions because if children are not taught, then they become close-minded. As people of the host country, by learning about people of different cultural backgrounds, we can increase our horizons, have better interpersonal dialogue and communicate more on a personal level.

  To sum up, visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviors while the host country should welcome cultural differences. We should recognize that there are cultural differences around the world. In our lifetime, we are likely to experience those differences in as many countries as possible.

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