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  1. Speaking.

  What are the benefits of trade fairs for exhibitors and visitors?

  Benefits for exhibitors:

  media exposure for the industry as a whole and for specific companies, an opportunity to show their wares to an interested public, to find out what is happening in the industry and to evaluate the competition

  Benefits for visitors:

  The ease of judging relative standards and prices, an opportunity to find out what is happening in the industry, the convenience of everything in one place, a chance to talk to exhibitors

  expose verb [transitive]


  to show something that is usually covered or hidden 暴露

  He lifted his T-shirt to expose a jagged scar across his chest. 他撩起T恤,把胸口上参差不齐的刀疤暴露出来。

  expose something to something

  Potatoes turn green when exposed to light. 土豆在光照下变成绿色。


  to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 裸露,曝光

  expose somebody to something

  The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation. 该报告指出工人暴露在高强度辐射之下。


  to show the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad 揭露,揭穿,揭发

  The film exposes the utter horror of war. 这部电影将战争最恐怖的一面揭露出来。

  The report exposes the weaknesses of modern medical practice. 这份报告揭露了现代医疗实践的弱点。


  to make it possible for someone to experience new ideas, ways of life etc 感受到新想法、新生活方式等

  expose somebody to something

  Some children are never exposed to classical music. 一些孩子从没有接触过古典音乐。


  to show other people feelings that you usually hide, especially when this is not planned 显示出真情实感

  I’m afraid I might expose my real feelings for him.

  exposure noun


  [uncountable] when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 暴露,裸露

  exposure to

  Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. 长时间暴露在太阳下会引起皮肤癌。


  [uncountable] the action of showing the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad 揭露,揭穿

  exposure of

  the exposure of his underground political activity 揭露他在地下开展的政治活动

  exposure as

  her fear of exposure as a spy 她害怕被当作间谍揭发出来


  [uncountable] the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc

  ᅳsynonym publicity 宣传

  The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently. 他们婚姻失败的消息最近在媒体报道很多。


  [singular, uncountable] the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life etc 尝试,接触

  exposure to

  The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language. 此次出行德国让他们接触到了德语。

  her brief exposure to pop stardom 她短暂的明星生涯


  [uncountable] the harmful effects on your body of being outside in very cold weather without protection

  We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside. 我们几乎在山边被冻死。

  -ware suffix [in uncountable nouns]

  1 things made of a particular material, especially for use in the home(由某种材料制成的)用品

  glassware (=glass bowls, glasses etc) 玻璃器皿

  silverware (=silver spoons, knives etc) 银器

  2 things used in a particular place for the preparation or serving of food 与准备食物有关的用品

  ovenware (=dishes for use in the oven) 微波炉用碟子

  tableware (=plates, glasses, knives etc) 餐桌用品

  3 things used in operating a computer 电脑用品

  software (=programs) 软件

  2. Reading.

  top-drawer adjective [only before noun] informal

  of the highest quality 非正式用语

  England need to produce a top-drawer performance if they want to win this match. 英格兰如果想要获得此次比赛的胜利就需要有上乘的表现。

  Earl 伯爵

  accessory noun[countable]

  plural accessories

  1[usually plural] something such as a piece of equipment or a decoration that is not necessary, but that makes a machine, car, room etc more useful or more attractive(附属的)装饰品,搭配物

  bathroom accessories such as mirrors and towel-rails 浴室配件,比如镜子和毛巾架

  2 [usually plural] something such as a bag, belt, or jewellery that you wear or carry because it is attractive 书包、腰带或珠宝等配饰

  fashion accessories 时尚配饰

  a set of fully matching clothes and accessories 一套非常相配的衣服和配饰

  item noun

  1 [countable] a single thing, especially one thing in a list, group, or set of things 一件物品

  He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.他打开纸盒子,把里面的东西一一拿了出来。

  The store is having a sale on furniture and household items. 这家商店正在出售家具和其他家用物品。

  item on the agenda/list/menu 会议议程/单子/菜单上的内容

  We went on to the next item on the agenda. 我们探讨议程上的下一个问题。

  item of clothing/furniture/jewellery etc 一件衣服/一件家具/一件首饰

  (=a single piece of clothing, furniture, jewellery etc)

  The original 1965 bottle is now a collector’s item (=one of a set of objects people like to collect because they are interesting or valuable).

  2 [countable] a single, usually short, piece of news in a newspaper or magazine, or on television 一条新闻消息,报道

  I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times. 我在星期日泰晤士报上也看到了这条消息。

  hand-picked adj. 用手采摘的,仔细挑选的

  headline noun [countable]

  1 the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report 新闻标题

  a paper carrying the front-page headline: ’Space Aliens meet with President’

  2 the headlines

  the important points of the main news stories that are read at the beginning of a news programme on radio or television 新闻播报的头条消息

  3 make/grab (the) headlines

  also be in/hit the headlines

  to be reported in many newspapers and on radio and television 头条消息

  a scandal that grabbed the headlines for weeks 一场历时数周、媒体报道颇多的丑闻

  The former MP found himself back in the headlines again. 前任议会会员发现他又成为媒体报道的焦点了。

  quality adjective [only before noun]

  1 [no comparative] very good - used especially by people who are trying to sell something 非常好的(常用于推销人员)

  quality child-care at prices people can afford 高品质的幼儿护理,而价位也是人们可以接受的

  quality double glazing 高品质的双层玻璃

  2 quality newspapers/press etc

  British English newspapers etc intended for educated readers 针对教育程度高的读者的报纸/平面媒体

  provide verb [transitive]

  1 to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it 提供

  Tea and biscuits will be provided. 这里提供茶和饼干。

  provide something for somebody

  The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests. 该饭店为客人提供擦鞋的服务。

  provide somebody with something

  The project is designed to provide young people with work. 该项目是要为年轻人提供就业机会。

  2 to produce something useful as a result 提供,给出

  We are hoping the enquiry will provide an explanation for the accident. 我们都希望此次调查结果可以为这次事故给出解释。

  provide somebody with something

  The search provided the police with several vital clues. 此次搜查为警方提供了一些重要的线索。

  supply noun

  plural supplies


  [countable] an amount of something that is available to be used 供应量

  supply of

  I’ve only got a week’s supply of tablets left. 我只剩下一周的药量。

  plentiful/abundant/adequate etc supply 充足的/富足的/适当的供应量

  There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour. 那里过去有充足的廉价劳动力。

  The nation’s fuel supplies will not last forever. 这个国家的燃料量不会持续太久。


  supplies[plural] food, clothes, and things necessary for daily life or for a particular purpose, especially for a group of people over a period of time 日常用品(比如食物、衣服、物品),物资

  Supplies were brought in by air. 物资空运送达。

  vital/essential/emergency supplies 重要的/基本的/紧急物资

  trucks loaded with emergency supplies 装满紧急物资的卡车

  medical/school/cleaning etc supplies 医疗/学校/清洁物资

  foreign aid used to buy medical supplies 用于购买医疗物资的海外援助

  3 gas/electricity/water etc supply

  a system that is used to supply gas etc 煤气/电力/水供应体系

  the public water supply 公用供水体系

  If you fail to pay your bill, you run the risk of having your electricity supply cut off (=stopped). 如果你无法支付账单,你就会冒着电力供应系统被切断的风险。


  [uncountable] when you supply something 提供

  supply of/to

  The military government is trying to stop the supply of guns to the rebels. 军队政府正努力停止向反叛者提供枪支。

  key adjective [no comparative]

  very important or necessary 非常重要的,必须的

  China’s support is key to the success of the coalition. 中国的支持对于这个联盟至关重要。

  key factor/points/questions etc

  The President makes all the key decisions on foreign policy. 总统负责对外交政策作出所有主要的决定。

  key role/player/figure etc (=one with a lot of influence on a result)

  The show has been hit by the departure of key personnel. 这次演出受到了主要演职人员离开的影响。

  Can you afford not to be seen there?

  afford verb [transitive]

  1 can/could afford [usually negative]

  a) to have enough money to buy or pay for something 支付得起

  afford [to do] something

  We can’t afford to go on vacation this year.

  I couldn’t afford the rent on my own. How can she afford to eat out every night?

  b) to have enough time to do something 有时间

  Dad can’t afford any more time off work.

  c) if you cannot afford to do something, you must not do it because it could cause serious problems for you 做某事

  afford to do something

  We can’t afford to wait any longer or we’ll miss the plane. 我们无法再等了,否则会误了飞机。

  2 formal to provide something or allow something to happen 提供,允许

  The room affords a beautiful view over the city. 这间屋子可以看到整个城市的美丽景色。

  afford (somebody) an opportunity/chance

  It afforded her the opportunity to improve her tennis skills. 这次为她提供了一个机会,使她可以提高自己的网球技能。

  The new law will afford protection to employees. 这部新法律将保护员工的利益。

  The exhibition: It is called Top Drawer. It exhibits design-led home accessories and personal gift items. The three-day exhibition takes place at Earls Court Two in London twice a year (May and autumn)

  The exhibitors: 550 exhibitors are selected on the basis of quality, talent and originality. Over 150 places are kept for new exhibitors.

  The visitors: Each exhibition attracts about 20,000 professional buyers from the UK and abroad.


  Replying to an enquiry


  dates, duration, location, size, focus, stand size, cost, facilities (car parking, catering, etc.)


  show something to (good/great) advantage

  to make the best features of someone or something very noticeable 让某人或某物的优势展现出来

  Her dress showed her tanned skin to great advantage. 她的裙子将她古铜色的皮肤充分的展现出来。

  showcase noun [countable]

  1 an event or situation that is designed to show the good qualities of a person, organization, product etc供亮相的地方

  showcase for

  The new musical is a good showcase for her talents. 这出新编的音乐剧是展现她才华的好舞台。

  2 a glass box containing objects for people to look at in a shop, at an art show etc(商店或博物馆)玻璃陈列柜,

  ᅳshowcase verb [transitive]

  She wants to showcase African-American literature. 她想展现出他在非洲裔美国人文学方面的才华。

  some adverb

  some 500 people/50%/£100 etc

  an expression meaning about 500 people, 50%, £100 etc - used especially when this seems a large number or amount 形容数字之重

  She gained some 25 pounds in weight during pregnancy. 她在怀孕期间体重增加了25磅之多。

  mail order noun [uncountable]

  a method of buying and selling in which the buyer chooses goods at home and orders them from a company which sends them by post 邮购

  by mail order

  It is available by mail order from Green Life Products. 你可以通过邮购方式获得“绿色生活产品”。

  a mail order catalogue 邮购目录

  accompany verb[transitive]

  past tense and past participle accompanied present participle accompanying third person singular accompanies

  1 to go somewhere with someone 陪伴

  Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. 14岁以下儿童应该有成年人陪同。

  Wherever her husband went, she would accompany him. 无论她的丈夫了哪里,她都愿意跟着他。

  2 to play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tune 伴奏

  Daniel wanted Liz to accompany him on violin.

  3 [usually passive] to happen or exist at the same time as something else 同时发生

  The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever. 这种病还伴随打喷嚏和发烧。

  4 if a book, document etc accompanies something, it comes with it 同时到来

  Please see accompanying booklet for instructions. 请看同时寄去的小册子,可以得到更多说明。

  Your passport application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs. 与你护照申请表同时寄来的还应该有两张近照。

  stand noun [countable]


  a piece of furniture or equipment used to hold or support something 支撑物

  a music stand

  a cake stand

  He adjusted the microphone stand.

  coat stand/hat stand (=for hanging coats or hats on)


  a table or small structure used for selling or showing things 展台

  British Equivalent: stall

  a hotdog stand

  an exhibition stand

  The shop was crowded with display stands and boxes.

  One week three magazines hit the stands (=became available to buy) with Peace Corps stories.

  booth noun [countable]

  1 a small partly enclosed place where one person can do something privately, such as use the telephone or vote

  a voting booth 投票亭

  2 a small partly enclosed structure or tent where you can buy things, play games, or get information, usually at a market or a fair

  a crafts booth 手工艺品小售货亭

  Manesty Clothes Ltd

  15 Clifton Court

  Manchester MR3 5PY

  Tel. 0161 932 2628

  Fax 0161 932 2884

  Your ref:

  Our ref: LD/ sa

  Production Manager

  Suntrek Fabrics

  Box 167

  Brown Street PO


  22 January 1999

  Dear Sir or Madam

  Re: Visit to France

  I am now planning my next trip to Europe, and I would be very pleased if we could meet to discuss our production requirements for next year.

  I hope to be in France on April 3 and 4. Would it be convenient to visit you on April 3 at 10.30 am? I would be grateful if you would tell me exactly where your offices are located.

  I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully

  John Burrows

  John Burrows

  Senior Buyer

  1. Writer’s address or company letterhead: at the top or in the top right-hand corner. The writer’s name is not at the top of the letter.

  信头: 在信的顶端或右上角,写信人的姓名不留在信头部分。

  2.Date:on the right. Various forms of the date are possible.

  日期: 在信纸的右端。日期的写法可以采取多种形式。

  3.Reference: is useful for filing. It tells you who wrote and signed the letter (the boss) and then who typed it (the secretary). A reference may also include a file number and a date.

  编号: 这对信件进行分类存档非常有用。它告诉你这封信是谁由起草并签署的(经理),是由谁打出来的(秘书)。编号中也可包括档案号和日期。

  在日期的下面是编号这一项,即Your ref: … , Our ref: LD/ sa。上面的LD说明是Lewis Davison写的,他的秘书Sarah Aspinal打出来的。LD 和SA是他们两个人姓名首写字母的缩写。
