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  1. A) ensuring no child is left behind.

  2. B) students performances declined.

  3. D) they are mostly small in size.

  4. A) some large schools have split up into smaller ones.

  5. D) their college-level test participation.

  6. B) their school performance was getting worse.

  7. C) maintain closer relationships with their teachers.

  8. Simplicity(注意要大写)

  9. many different measures

  10. tough subjects

  听力部分:(@新东方欧阳萍 @新东方曹小倩)

  11. A) Discussing a house plan.

  12. A) She is tired of the food in the canteen.

  13. A) Listening to some loud music.

  14. B) The man can dress casually for the occasion.

  15. A) Grey pants made from pure cotton.

  16. B) Its location.

  17. A) Travel overseas.

  18. D) It is a good bargain.

  19. A) Hosting an evening TV program.

  20. C) He worked as a salesman.

  21. A) He wanted to be his own boss.

  22. B) They are all the man’s friends.

  23. B) It remains a major part of industrial activity.

  24. A) Transport problems.

  25. C) Possible locations for a new factory.

  26. B) They had known each other since childhood.

  27. B) At Joe’s house.

  28. D) Social divisions will break down if people get to know each other.

  29. B) In his building’s parking lot.

  30. C) It had been stolen by someone.

  31. D) In the city garage.

  32. B) The mysteriousness of creativity.

  33. D) It is the source of all artistic work.

  34. A) Creative imagination.

  35. C) It is part of everyday life.
