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  JK Rowling puts premium on price of her new ebook

  A day after her publisher reached a settlement with the Department of Justice that is expected to cut the price of bestselling ebooks in the US to $9.99, JK Rowling announced that the electronic edition of her next novel would be priced at twice that sum.

  J•K•罗琳(JK Rowling)的出版商刚刚与美国司法部(DoJ)达成和解,欲将畅销电子书在美国的定价削减至9.99美元。一天后她就宣布下一部小说的电子版定价将比此价格高出一倍。

  The author of seven Harry Potter books that sold 450m copies, yesterday said her first novel for adults would be called The Casual Vacancy. Little Brown, an imprint of Hachette with worldwide English-language rights to the book, will publish it on September 27.

  著有七部哈利•波特(Harry Potter)系列小说、销量达4.5亿册的罗琳昨天宣布,她第一部面向成人读者的小说题为《The Casual Vacancy》。阿歇特集团(Hachette)旗下的利特尔布朗出版社(Little Brown)将于9月27日出版该书。利特尔布朗拥有该书英语版本的全球权利。

  Ms Rowling was a late convert to ebooks, making the Harry Potter titles available online only last month, 15 years after the first title was published in print. With strong demand expected for her first full-length novel in five years, her pricing strategy could be a test of a confused new market for ebooks following the DoJ’s lawsuit.


  The title will sell for $35 in hardback and $19.99 in ebook format in the US, and for £20 in hardback and £11.99 in the UK, according to Little Brown. But the publisher did not say whether it would make the title available through leading ebook retailers such as Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble’s Nook store or Apple’s iBookstore.

  利特尔布朗出版社表示,该书在美国市场精装版定价为35美元,电子版则为19.99美元,在英国市场精装版20英镑,电子版11.99英镑。不过出版社并未透露是否会通过几家领先的电子书零售商,如亚马逊(Amazon.com)、Barnes and Noble的Nook电子书店和苹果(Apple)的iBookstore销售该书。
