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show how the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of criminal justice are being combined into a new and better system.








  分析推理(游戏) 这部分约占整个试卷的1/4,有四个游戏(game),每个游戏有六个问题,总共24个问题。


  Adam, Bob, Carl, David, Eric, Frank, George, and Hank are basketball players. Frank is the same height as Hank. George is taller than Frank. Eric is taller than Adam. Adam is taller than David and Carl. Bob is shorter than Carl.

  Which one of the following must be false?

  George is taller than Hank. Carl is taller than David. Adam is taller than Frank. David is the same height as Carl. Bob is the same height as Eric.

  You may think:If George is taller than Frank who is as tall as Hank, then George must be taller than Hank. Hence (A) is true. This dismisses (A). Next, the fourth condition tells us that Adam is taller than both David and Carl; it does not, however, tell us who is taller between Carl and David, nor do any other conditions. Hence (B) is not necessarily false. This dismisses both (B) and (D). Next, no condition relates the relative heights of Adam and Frank. Hence (C) is not necessarily false. This dismisses (C). Finally, Eric is taller than Adam who is taller than Carl who is taller than Bob. Hence, Eric must be taller than Bob. This contradicts (E). Thus (E) must be false, and therefore it is the answer.



  样题: In the game of basketball, scoring a three-point shot is a skill that only those with a soft-shooting touch can develop. Wilt Chamberlain, however, was a great player. So even though he did not have a soft-shooting touch, he would have excelled at scoring three-point shots.

  Which one of the following contains a flaw that most closely parallels the flaw contained in the passage?

  Eighty percent of the freshmen at Berkeley go on to get a bachelor's degree. David is a freshman at Berkeley, so he will probably complete his studies and receive a bachelor's degree.

  If the police don't act immediately to quell the disturbance, it will escalate into a riot. However, since the police are understaffed, there will be a riot.

  The meek shall inherit the earth. Susie received an inheritance from her grandfather, so she must be meek.

  During the Vietnam War, the powerful had to serve along with the poor. However, Stevens' father was a federal judge, so Steven was able to get a draft deferment.

  All dolphins are mammals and all mammals breathe air. Therefore, all mammals that breathe air are dolphins.
