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托福阅读拓展:Trials begin for executives accused in China's tainted milk scandal

这个单词在这里就是“污染”的意思,等同于 SPOIL,我原来写的“腐败”不妥,因为腐败在汉语里面主要是指人的行为。而这里用“污染”(contaminate)比较合理。

  From Times Online

  December 31, 2008

  Trials begin for executives accused in China's tainted milk scandal


  to contaminate morally : CORRUPT *scholarship tainted by envy

  to affect with putrefaction : SPOIL

  to touch or affect slightly with something bad *persons tainted with prejudice*

  intransitive senses

  obsolete : to become weak

  to become affected with putrefaction : SPOIL synonyms see CONTAMINATE

  这个单词在这里就是“污染”的意思,等同于 SPOIL,我原来写的“腐败”不妥,因为腐败在汉语里面主要是指人的行为。而这里用“污染”(contaminate)比较合理。


  The former chairwoman of the dairy company at the heart of China's tainted milk scandal has gone on trial on charges of selling fake or substandard products.

  句子中 ...has gone on trial on charges of selling fake or substandard products 是个非常值得学习的表达方法,“被控销售伪劣产品而受审”

  scandal 这个单词在这里并不是“谣传”“诽谤”的意思,尽管字典有这个解释,这里的意思是“丑闻”“丑行” 韦氏字典解释“a circumstance or action that offends propriety or established moral conceptions or disgraces those associated with it” 指一种有悖于正确或者共识的道德观念的行为或者情形,也可以是指代与这些相关的丑行。

  Tian Wenhua, the former board chairwoman and general manager of Sanlu Group Co., and three other top executives who also went on trial in China on Wednesday morning, could face the death penalty if convicted, the Xinhua News Agency reported.


  The high-profile trials and the release of details in a 1.1 billion yuan (£111 million) compensation plan signal that authorities hope to end what was widely seen as a national disgrace, highlighting widespread food safety problems and corporate and official malfeasance.


  Infant formula contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine has been blamed for the deaths of at least six children and making nearly 300,000 others ill. 受到化学物质三聚氰胺污染的婴幼儿配方奶粉(infant formula)被认为导致了至少6名婴儿死亡,近乎三十万婴幼儿的不健康状况。

  Authorities said that milk suppliers mixed the nitrogen-rich powder into raw milk in order to fool quality tests for protein. When ingested in larger amounts, melamine can cause kidney stones and kidney failure.


  It was not known how long the trials, which are being held at the Shijiazhuang Intermediate People's Court in northern China, would last or when the verdicts would be announced.

  Seventeen others have gone on trial over past few days with at least four facing the death penalty. The defendants included people accused of producing melamine and marketing it to milk producers, as well as milk collectors who mixed the chemical into raw milk sold to major dairies.

  But the court cases offer little consolation to some parents who felt the government breached their trust after their children died or were sickened from milk powder certified by authorities as safe.

  Some families have said the planned payout by dairies was too low, and their lawyers pledged to continue attempts to sue for more compensation.

  “If they offered me compensation, I won't accept, because what do I need this money for since my son is gone,” said Tian Xiaowei, an apple farmer and part-time truck driver from the central Shaanxi province, whose year-old child Tian Jin died in August after his father claims he drank melamine-tainted milk powder.

  “These people are making a profit by letting people die. If the information was made public earlier, I would not have let my son drink Sanlu powder and he wouldn't have died.”

  Tian could receive 200,000 yuan (£20,000) in compensation for the death of his child, according to details of the payout plan reported Tuesday by the China Daily, an official newspaper. It was not clear, however, if Tian would receive any money because authorities have yet to include his son's death in the official tally, even though tests on milk powder the boy was drinking showed high levels of melamine.

  Children who suffered kidney stones would get 2,000 yuan (£200), while sicker children would be paid 30,000 yuan (£3,035), the paper said. The one-time cash payments total 900 million yuan (£91 million), while another 200 million yuan (£21 million) will go to a fund set up to cover bills for lingering health problems.

  But parents who received copies of the agreement considered the offer of 2,000 yuan to be woefully inadequate, said Beijing attorney Xu Zhiyong, who is part of a legal team representing 63 families.

  “I advised them not to sign it for the time being, as we would demand trials of those 22 dairy companies,” said Xu, whose attempts to sue the companies involved have so far been rejected by the courts. “The compensation is too low and no victims were involved in the decision-making process.”

