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  Check digit verification

  This process uses algorithms to ensure that data input is accurate. For

  example, internally generated valid supplier numerical reference codes, should  3



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  be formatted in such a way that any purchase invoices input with an incorrect

  code will be automatically rejected.

  Processing controls

  Processing controls exist to ensure that all data input is processed correctly

  and that data files are appropriately updated accurately in a timely manner.

  The processing controls for a specified application program should be

  designed and then tested prior to ‘live’ running with real data. These may

  typically include the use of run-to-run controls, which ensure the integrity of

  cumulative totals contained in the accounting records is maintained from one

  data processing run to the next. For example, the balance carried forward on

  the bank account in a company’s general (nominal) ledger. Other processing

  controls should include the subsequent processing of data rejected at the point

  of input, for example:

  ? A computer produced print-out of rejected items.

  ? Formal written instructions notifying data processing personnel of the

  procedures to follow with regard to rejected items.

  ? Appropriate investigation/follow up with regard to rejected items.

  ? Evidence that rejected errors have been corrected and re-input.

  Output controls

  Output controls exist to ensure that all data is processed and that output is

  distributed only to prescribed authorised users. While the degree of output

  controls will vary from one organisation to another (dependent on the

  confidentiality of the information and size of the organisation), common

  controls comprise:

  ? Use of batch control totals, as described above (see ‘input controls’).

  ? Appropriate review and follow up of exception report information to

  ensure that there are no permanently outstanding exception items.

  ? Careful scheduling of the processing of data to help facilitate the

  distribution of information to end users on a timely basis.

  ? Formal written instructions notifying data processing personnel of

  prescribed distribution procedures.

  ? Ongoing monitoring by a responsible official, of the distribution of output,

  to ensure it is distributed in accordance with authorised policy.

  Master file controls

  The purpose of master file controls is to ensure the ongoing integrity of the

  standing data contained in the master files. It is vitally important that stringent

  ‘security’ controls should be exercised over all master files.

  These include:

  ? appropriate use of passwords, to restrict access to master file data

  ? the establishment of adequate procedures over the amendment of data,

  comprising appropriate segregation of duties, and authority to amend

  being restricted to appropriate responsible individuals

  ? regular checking of master file data to authorised data, by an

  independent responsible official




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  ? processing controls over the updating of master files, including the use of

  record counts and control totals.


  The nature of computer-based accounting systems is such that auditors may

  use the audit client company’s computer, or their own, as an audit tool, to

  assist them in their audit procedures. The extent to which an auditor may

  choose between using CAATs and manual techniques on a specific audit

  engagement depends on the following factors:

  ? the practicality of carrying out manual testing

  ? the cost effectiveness of using CAATs

  ? the availability of audit time

  ? the availability of the audit client’s computer facility

  ? the level of audit experience and expertise in using a specified CAAT

  ? the level of CAATs carried out by the audit client’s internal audit function

  and the extent to which the external auditor can rely on this work

  There are three classifications of CAATs – namely:

  ? Audit software

  ? Test data

  ? Other techniques

  Dealing with each of the above in turn:

  Audit software

  Audit software is a generic term used to describe computer programs designed

  to carry out tests of control and/or substantive procedures. Such programs

  may be classified as:

  Packaged programs

  These consist of pre-prepared generalised programs used by auditors and are

  not ‘client specific’. They may be used to carry out numerous audit tasks, for

  example, to select a sample, either statistically or judgementally, during

  arithmetic calculations and checking for gaps in the processing of sequences.

  Purpose written programs

  These programs are usually ‘client specific’ and may be used to carry out tests

  of control or substantive procedures. Audit software may be bought or

  developed, but in any event the audit firm’s audit plan should ensure that

  provision is made to ensure that specified programs are appropriate for a

  client’s system and the needs of the audit. Typically, they may be used to

  re-perform computerised control procedures (for example, cost of sales

  calculations) or perhaps to carry out an aged analysis of trade receivable

  (debtor) balances.

  Enquiry programs

  These programs are integral to the client’s accounting system; however they

  may be adapted for audit purposes. For example, where a system provides for

  the routine reporting on a ‘monthly’ basis of employee starters and leavers
