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Jeenn Lee Hsieh 英文写作:习惯用语

谢振礼 Jeenn Lee Hsieh 英文写作:习惯用语

  Essay Writing: Useful Idiomatic Expressings

  Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼 ielts360toefl@hotmail.com

  Chinese-to-English Translation 中英近似翻译

  44 万象众生 It takes all kinds to make a world.

  43 全都知晓 to know something from A to Z

  42 尘埃落定 to let the dust settle

  41 随波逐流 to ride with the tide

  40 不许借口 no ifs or buts

  39 赏罚分明 carrot and rod

  38 极为容易 as easy as ABC

  37 成败一举 to make or break

  36 大器晚成 a late bloomer

  35 双重性格 Jekyll and Hyde

  34 妄下定论 to jump to a conclusion

  33 死灰复燃 Old flames die hard.

  32 锦上添花 icing on the cake

  31 空中楼阁 castles in the air

  30 四十不惑 A fool at 40 is a fool forever.

  29 唯一弱点 Achilles' heel

  28 不了了之 to end in smoke

  27 万不得已 if the worst comes to the worst

  26 近墨者黑 If you lie down with the Devil, you will wake up in hell.

  25 不义之财 ill-gotten gains

  24 将心比心 in another's shoes

  23 光天化日 in broad daylight

  22 聊胜于无 Half a loaf is better than no bread.

  21 携手合作 work hand in hand

  20 得来不易 hard to come by

  19 手头拮据 hard up

  18 全然明白 to get the picture

  17 酒肉朋友 fair-weather friends

  16 火上加油 to add fuel to the fire

  15 美梦成真 a dream come true

  14 各行各业 people from all walks of life

  13 通宵达旦 at all hours of the night

  12 沧海一粟 a drop in the bucket

  11 同舟共济 all in the same boat

  10 如坐针毯 on pins and needles

  09 替罪羔羊 scapegoat

  08 从头开始 start from scratch

  07 跳蚤市场 flea market

  06垃圾邮件 junk mail

  05 专人眼球 to catch one's eye

  04 刮目相看 an eye-opener

  03 字里行间 to read between the lines

  02 应有尽有 You name it.

  01 兵少将多 too many chiefs and not enough Indians
