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   From the very beginning,water has furnished man with a source of food and a highway to travel.The first civilizations arose __1_ water was dominant element in the environment,a challenge__2_ man's ingenuity.The Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar __3_ the Nile's annual flooding.The Babylonians,_4__ were among the most famous law-makers in ancient times,invented laws_5__ water usage.Water inspired the Chinese to build a 1000__6_ canal,a complex system __7_,after 2500 years,remains partically __8_ and still commands the astonishment of engineers.But _9__ never found complete solutions_10__ their water problem .The Yellow River is also known _11__ "China's sorrow".It is so unpredictable and dangerous __12_ in a single flood it has caused a million _13__.Floods slowed the great _14__ of the Indus River Valleys,and innumerable damage ruined _15__ of its land.Today,water dominates man _16__ it always has done.Its presence continues to __17_ the location of his homes and cities;its violent variability can _18__ man or his herds or his crops;its routes links him __19_ his fellows;its immense value may __20_ to already dangerous political conflicts.There are many examples of this in our own time.

    1) A where B the place C when D in the place
    2) A with B as C to D on
    3) A in regard to B in response to C in case D in spite of
    4) A they B / C that D who
    5) A regulates B regulate C regulated D regulating
    6) A miles B mile C mile's D miles'
    7) A who B in which C which D by which
    8) A in use B for use C by use D on use
    9) A ancient B the ancients C ancients D ancients people
    10) A for B of C to D on
    11) A for B by C to D as
    12) A that B which C because D as
    13) A people B deaths C damages D ruins
    14) A influence B effect C society D civilization
    15) A many B lot C much D a lots
    16) A for B as C because D whereas
    17) A effect B control C lead D influence
    18) A cause B violate C kill D damage
    19) A by B on C at D to
    20) A increase B add C solve D intensify

