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    1.从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面英语文句叙述中{ }内的正确答案,把编号写在答卷的对应栏内。

  In { A }software, one question of near-universal interest is how rapidly Windows NT, which began shipping last summer, will be { B } in the marketplace and for what uses. For the most part, observers are { C } about the operating system's long term prospects, but expect it to remain on { D } rather than desktops during 1994, saying that it won't become a mainstream product until { E } PCs typically have 16 to 24MB of RAM, which is unlikely to happen next year.


  【答案】A~E:①applications ②accepted ③clients ④enthusiastic

  ⑤Servers ⑥desktop ⑦systems ⑧replaced


  参考译文:在系统软件中,一个普遍关心的问题是去年夏天开始出售的Windows NT将会如何快速地被市场所接受以及起什么作用。大部分观察家们对该操作系统的长远前景表示出热情,但预料在1994年间它仍将用在服务器上而非台式机上。他们说,在典型的台式PC机具有16MB至24MB内存之前,它不会成为主流产品,而这件事明年是不大可能发生的。

  【答案】A:⑦ B:② C:④ D:⑤ E:⑥

    2.从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面英语文句中{ }内的正确答案,把编号写在答卷的对应栏内。

  Mobile computers- which { A } laptops, notebooks, subnotebooks and handhelds - { B } so ubiquitous in such a short time, no sunrise to hear who say:"It will define the leading edge { C } the next five years or so." The most remarkable { D }mobile computers is the amount of data storage and memory packed { E }their tiny boxes. These devices not only handle windows easily but also run storage-hungry programs.


  A、B:①included ②include ③have included ④have become

  ⑤had become

  C~E:①from ②for ③about ④at

  ⑤on ⑥into



  【答案】A:② B:④ C:② D:③ E:⑥

