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Read It Yourself 1-50

每个家长都想买一套系统的分级阅读书给小朋友看,循序渐进,而这一套Read It Yourself 1-50套装,有4个level,
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Read It Yourself 1-50

每个家长都想买一套系统的分级阅读书给小朋友看,循序渐进,而这一套Read It Yourself 1-50套装,有4个level,适合不同年龄段的小朋友,家长可按照小朋友的进度给小朋友看,逐渐提高孩子的阅读能力 水平。
这套书当中有很多故事,除了小朋友最喜欢的人物例如小猪佩琪,灰姑娘……还有好多传统而又有教育意义的故事,例如丑小鸭、国王的新衣,三只小猪……觉得小朋友太小不会看?一开始可以拿它当床头故 事,每一晚临睡前讲一到两个故事,Level 1基本上5分钟讲完一个故事,很快小朋友就会习惯,培养阅读兴趣之余更可促进亲子关系.

This amazing 50-book collection isn't just incredible value, it is sure to offer your child an array of stories perfectly suited to their developing reading level and, in turn, help them grow into avid young bookworms too!
With familiar fairy tale storylines like the Ugly Ducking and Cinderella, as well as popular characters including Peppa Pig, Moshi Monsters and Peter Rabbit featured throughout, the engaging text and full-colour illustrations in the books will support children as they become fluent, independent and confident readers.
With fun puzzles and questions to gently test children, this comprehensive collection covers the Ladybird Read It Yourself Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 and can be enjoyed by children aged from 4 right the way up to 7 years old.

每个家长都想买一套系统的分级阅读书给小朋友看,循序渐进,而这一套Read It Yourself 1-50套装,有4个level,适合不同年龄段的小朋友,家长可按照小朋友的进度给小朋友看,逐渐提高孩子的阅读能力 水平。
这套书当中有很多故事,除了小朋友最喜欢的人物例如小猪佩琪,灰姑娘……还有好多传统而又有教育意义的故事,例如丑小鸭、国王的新衣,三只小猪……觉得小朋友太小不会看?一开始可以拿它当床头故 事,每一晚临睡前讲一到两个故事,Level 1基本上5分钟讲完一个故事,很快小朋友就会习惯,培养阅读兴趣之余更可促进亲子关系.

This amazing 50-book collection isn't just incredible value, it is sure to offer your child an array of stories perfectly suited to their developing reading level and, in turn, help them grow into avid young bookworms too!
With familiar fairy tale storylines like the Ugly Ducking and Cinderella, as well as popular characters including Peppa Pig, Moshi Monsters and Peter Rabbit featured throughout, the engaging text and full-colour illustrations in the books will support children as they become fluent, independent and confident readers.
With fun puzzles and questions to gently test children, this comprehensive collection covers the Ladybird Read It Yourself Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 and can be enjoyed by children aged from 4 right the way up to 7 years old.

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