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Coding Games in Scratch

Written for children ages 8–12 with little to no coding experience, this straightforward visua
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Coding Games in Scratch

Written for children ages 8–12 with little to no coding experience, this straightforward visual guide uses fun graphics and easy-to-follow instructions to show young learners how to build their own computer projects using Scratch, a popular free programming language.

With Coding Games in Scratch, kids can build single and multiplayer platform games, create puzzles and memory games, race through mazes, add animation, and more. All they need is a desktop or laptop with Adobe 10.2 or later, and an internet connection to download Scratch 2.0. Coding can be done without download on http://scratch.mit.edu.

Essential coding concepts are explained using eight build-along game projects that guide young coders step-by-step, using visual samples, easy-to-follow instructions, and fun pixel art. The book teaches important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas, all while creating games to play with their friends.

Supporting STEM education initiatives and the maker movement, computer coding teaches kids how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically, and is quickly becoming a necessary and sought-after skill. DK's computer coding books are full of fun exercises with step-by-step guidance, making them the perfect introductory tools for building vital skills in computer programming.


"An absolutely wonderful introduction to programming games." — Kirkus Reviews

"…clear instructions and plenty of images that make coding just about foolproof." — Booklist

"A great resource that pushes Scratch to the limits of its use and entertainment." — School Library Journal


Dr. Jon Woodcock has a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Computational Astrophysics from the University of London. He started coding at the age of eight and has programmed all kinds of computers from single-chip microcontrollers to world-class supercomputers. His many projects include giant space simulations, research in high-tech companies, and intelligent robots made from junk. Jon has a passion for science and technology education, giving talks on space and running computer programming clubs in schools. He has worked on numerous science and technology books as a contributor and consultant, including DK's How Cool Stuff Works and Help Your Kids with Computer Coding.

网友对Coding Games in Scratch的评论

I have a number of children. My oldest son is 10 and has been constantly bugging us for something to do. We can never seem to get him enough books and audio-books from the library. We homeschool our children using a self-teaching based curriculum. I installed Scratch ahead of time because we don't allow open access to the internet in our home. With that part taken care of my son was able to open the book and build his first game in one evening without any help. All through dinner he talked about the different parts of his game.

As a programmer myself I understand all too well that there is a difference between building something with direct instruction and understanding enough to create on your own. My son has been working on his second game (one he jumped to at the end of the book) for a couple of days now. The book seems to do a good job of explaining the logic behind the code in a way that he can understand. I have no doubt that once he has a few more projects under his belt my son will be able to build something on his own without instruction.

I have enjoyed programming since I was young, but never quite knew where to go in order to learn at that young of an age. I am glad that these types of resources are available for my children. Maybe neither my oldest son or any of his siblings will work in computer programming as adults, but I know that the ability to understand logic and reasoning will benefit them no matter what they do.

If you are starting with a younger child you may want to start with the "Coding with Scratch Workbook" in order to introduce the concepts more slowly. This book has been a perfect starter for my older child. It doesn't get him outside the way I'd like, but at least he is intellectually engaged and excited!

I got this book for my 9 year old son, who started out with Scratch last year by using the book Super Scratch Programming Adventure. After working through that book he spent many months just playing around with Scratch, looking at other people's projects, and watching a few YouTube tutorials. I got him this book to help give him some more ideas about things he could do, and to improve his coding.

The book has been a big success in our house, and my son has spent many hours poring over it, working his way through the various projects. The book contains instructions for making 8 different games, and at the end of each game there are several "hacks and tweaks" that are suggested. These are ideas for ways you could change the game, but how exactly to implement those changes are left as an exercise for the reader.

It's the combination of these two pieces that make this book so useful: explicit instructions on how to do some interesting thing in Scratch, followed by some suggestions that encourage you to think beyond the given code. This book is an excellent next step for kids interested in Scratch.

This was an off-the-shelf impulse buy at a book store. My seven year old has had two after school classes in Scratch already. I knew nothing except the little games we see at the end of those classes and honestly I wasn't impressed. Scratch is easy and free and you can play online or download it and play offline. Yes, you can learn just by playing around with the program. That said, this book is GREAT at laying it all out for you in a colorful, easy to understand way. I was able to catch up to my kid with the first two chapters and we made the first project together in under ten minutes. He reluctantly admitted that he learned some tricks from the book on the very first game and was excited to move on to the next. Each chapter from three on teaches you to write a game in recipe form - eight games total. It will tell you EXACTLY what to do to make the game and then tell you how to tweak it to make it your own. You can not mess this up. I LOVE this book and my kid loves this book. I can recommend it for any kid who can read, any parent and kid who want to learn together, or any parent who wants to learn and teach kids. I think I could teach a class now and I'm only on Chapter 4!

The game projects are fun, and the instructions are very clear and detailed. As a cookbook for scratch games it gets 5 stars. I was hoping for something a bit more like an operations manual. As my son and I follow directions, we are just copying what we see in the book. I would be a much better experience to be asked to discover how to accomplish a simple goal after being told which tools to use. I think that would provide more room for creativity and understanding. As it is, this book is a great guide to what you can make with Scratch, but if your child is a completionist, they can charge through the games without really understanding what they are doing. It's a bit like teaching poetry by copying great poems. You are exposed to wonderful possibilities, but afterwards their creation is still largely beyond your reach.

I have searched for a good entry point book for Scratch games, and this is by far the best out there, in my opinion. It's clearly-written and it works to explain Scratch fundamental concepts as it leads you through creating 8 games. As a teacher, this is perfect since it's both teaching me and also giving me lesson ideas. I would think that many kids aged 8 or 9 and up could read it and learn as they go. Highly recommended.

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