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Just Go to Bed

Book DescriptionOne of the classic Little Critter picture book titles by Mercer Mayer, this simple s
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Just Go to Bed

Book Description
One of the classic Little Critter picture book titles by Mercer Mayer, this simple story shows our preschool hero resisting his father's efforts to get him ready for bed. By the end of the book Little Critter's understanding father has finally succeeded in moving his energetic, imaginative son through bathtime and pyjamatime into sleeptime.

About the Author
The daughter of bestselling author-illustrator Dorothy Kunhardt, Edith Kunhardt has continued the grand tradition of pat the bunny by writing and illustrating Pat the Cat, Pat the Pony, Pat the Birthday Bunny, and Tickle the Pig. She is also an accomplished photographer and has written and illustrated over 50 other children’s books. The author lives in New York.

Book Dimension
Height (mm) 204 Width (mm) 199


Customer Reviews
Just Go To Bed, Oct 2 2003
Reviewer: A customer

Just Go To Bed is about a little critter he is a cowboy and he rounds up cows. But his dad says "It's time for the cowboy to come inside and get ready for bed." Then the little critter becomes a general and he has to stop the enemy army with his tank. But his dad says, "It's time for the general to take a bath." Next critter becomes a space cadet and he zooms to the moon and captures the robot with his ray gun. Dad says, "This giant robot has captured the space cadet and is going to put him in the bathtub right now." Little Critter next is a sea monster attacking a ship. Dad says," It's time for the sea monster to have a snack." Well Critter goes down stairs to the kitchen and he is now a zookeeper feeding his animals. But he needs to put his pajamas on. And then the little critter goes up-stairs.


MERCER MAYER began writing and illustrating children's books in 1966, and since then, he has published over 300 titles. Readers can open almost any of his award-winning books and out may pop dragons, cuddly monsters, wonderful creatures, and endearing critters. Drawing from his own childhood adventures for inspiration, Mayer created one of children’s books most cherished characters, Little Critter. He currently lives in Connecticut.

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