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Words about Pictures: The Narrative Art of Children's Picture Books

This book examines the special qualities of picture books-books intended to educate or tell stories
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Words about Pictures: The Narrative Art of Children's Picture Books

This book examines the special qualities of picture books-books intended to educate or tell stories to young children. Drawing from a number of aesthetic and literary sources, Perry Nodelman explores the way in which the interplay of the verbal and visual aspects of picture books conveys more narrative information and stimulation than either medium could acheive alone. Moving from "baby" books, alphabet books, and word books to such well-known children's picture books as Nancy Ekholm Burkert's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Gerald McDermott's "Arrow to the Sun," Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are," and Chris Van Allsburg's "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi," reveals how picture-book design and illustration as well as by the relationships between pictures and their complementary texts.


"Words About Pictures" is an excellent reference book for critics, scholars and others and perhaps the best available study of the relationship between words and pictures in children's picture books.--"One Minute Book Reviews"


Perry Nodelman is a professor of English at the University of Winnipeg. He is the author of "The Pleasures of Children's Literature," an introduction to literary and theoretical approaches to children's literature recently released in a new third edition written in collaboration with Mavis Reimer. He has also published three novels for young adults and, in collaboration with Carol Matas, the young adult Fantasies in the Minds series.

网友对Words about Pictures: The Narrative Art of Children's Picture Books的评论

This is absolutely required reading and perfect to learn from, if you are taking studies, classes or on your own to understand childrens books, and how they work with pictures, images and illustrations. Brilliant and exactly what I needed.

Went to this book to learn more about the relationship between words and picture art in books, with "research hat" on for blog I was writing (as children's author). The writing style is academic and not so easy to read, but the info is good.

I like this book. Nodelman is very clear and thoughtful. If you want to think about how words and pictures interact, this is a good book, regardless of whether you are interested in children's literature.

Nodelman puts into words so succinctly what are often such complex and inexplicit visual processes. This is far more than a book about "picture books."

I bought this book for a class I am attending, and I have found it very useful. I am a graduate student, and I think it will make an excellent contribution to my thesis.

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