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Profitable Growth Is Everyone's Business: 10 Tools You Can Use Monday Morning

The coauthor of the international bestseller Execution has created the how-to guide for solving toda
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Profitable Growth Is Everyone's Business: 10 Tools You Can Use Monday Morning 去商家看看

Profitable Growth Is Everyone's Business: 10 Tools You Can Use Monday Morning

The coauthor of the international bestseller Execution has created the how-to guide for solving today’s toughest business challenge: creating profitable growth that is organic, differentiated, and sustainable.

For many, growth is about “home runs”—the big bold idea, the next new thing, the product that will revolutionize the marketplace. While obviously attractive and lucrative, home runs don’t happen every day and frequently come in cycles.

Products like Kevlar, Teflon, and the Dell business model for selling personal computers may be once-in-a-decade phenomena. A surer and more consistent path to profitable revenue growth is through “singles and doubles”—small day-to-day wins and adaptation to changes in the marketplace that build the foundation for substantially increasing revenues. The impact of singles and doubles can be huge. They are not only the basis for sustained revenue growth but, in fact, the foundation for home runs. Singles and doubles provide the discipline of execution, an absolute necessity for successfully bringing a breakthrough technology to market or implementing a new business model.

Inherent in this way of thinking is the revolutionary idea that growth is everyone’s business—not solely the concern of the sales force or top management. Just as everyone participates in cost reduction, so must everyone be engaged in the growth agenda of the business. Every contact of each employee with a customer is an opportunity for revenue growth. That includes everyone from the people working in a company’s call center handling customer inquiries and complaints to the CEO.

In this trailblazing book, Ram Charan provides the building blocks and tools that can put a business on the path to sustained, profitable growth. For more than twenty-five years, Ram Charan has been working day in and day out with companies around the world. The ideas he has developed for solving the profitable revenue growth dilemma facing many businesses are based on personally seeing what works in real time. These are ideas that have been tested across industries and that deliver results, and they can be put to use starting Monday morning.

From the Hardcover edition.

网友对Profitable Growth Is Everyone's Business: 10 Tools You Can Use Monday Morning的评论

I have learned so much from Dr. Ram Charan. The wealth of experience and the clarity he brings to complex business conditions is incredible. I became aware of his writings through linked-in and the Harvard user groups. After reading this book, I purchased all his other books, I set aside 1 hour every morning before work to "study" his thoughts and views. I have applied what I have learned and my career has changed. I am now running our Asia business operations.

Thank you Dr. Charan for your wisdom and your magnificent mind.


I have had the honor of knowing Ram Charan since 1981. He was, at that time, a lecturer for our in-house corporate (American Hospital Supply Corporation) training program for company Presidents at Northwestern University. Once exposed to this great business mind and teacher, I hired him to work with me and my team in my Division, and subsequently with a medical technology, development stage company (KeraVision,Inc.) I led from idea conception to commercialization.

There is no better way to access his wisdom than through direct interaction and involvement in your business. He will take your mind, expand it, then teach you how to apply all that he has shared. He does not tell you what to do but, rather, provides the structure within which you can determine what needs to be done.

His work with teams of people (executive teams, boards, boards & executive teams) is pure genius. He extracts every idea, and every possibility from the group, then provides the means to look at the information and gain new insights.

One thing that is not discussed about Ram in reviews of his work is his humanity. He is truly a believer in people. He pushes hard for the elimination of non-productive and destructive people (and what this book is all about, projects) because he knows the importance of the organizational health. He knows that healthy organizations retain excellent people, grow excellent people, and produce quality results.

Unfortunately, not everyone can work directly with Ram, so this book and others that he has authored are the next best thing. This book is no exception as it provides a basis for focus, investment of time and capital, and growth. And, if you read carefully, it is laced with his humanity.

A work buy, that I purchased for my boss to give to his directors.

had to buy this book for my wife's work, it's on their reading list, haven't read it yet, hope it's good.

This book has a great premise - that improving profitability can be done through two often contradictory approaches - cost cutting and growing (profitable) revenue. It also explains the allure of cost-cutting - that it is more predictable because it is not dependent on the world outside the company. But cost-cutting has limits, and it does not create any new opportunities for advancement the way growth does.

The only major shortcoming of the book is that it presented the idea of setting up distinct growth budgets (one each for short-term, mid-term, and long-term growth) but did not provide details of how it should be administered. For example, it did not say which executive(s) would have responsibility, whether or not mid-term growth projects would get handed-off to the short-term team/budget as it approached delivery, etc.

A minor shortcoming of the book was a weak chapter on cross-selling. There the book repeatedly referred to getting a "bigger share of the customer's wallet" instead of "meeting more of existing customer's needs". While that may sound like semantics, the latter is much more compatible with the rest of the book.

It ended particularly strongly with a brief assessment to determine how growth-oriented a company is. This can be especially useful when one is looking to change companies.

Overall, Profitable Growth is Everyone's Business is a very good book with some useful new ideas mixed with some older but still useful ideas all presented in a clear and compelling way.

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