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Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself

Widely acclaimed for its engaging style and provocative perspective, this book has helped thousands
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Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself

Widely acclaimed for its engaging style and provocative perspective, this book has helped thousands transform their working lives. Now the paperback edition features a comprehensive 30-page resource guide that explains the basics of working for oneself.

Widely acclaimed for its engaging style and provocative perspective, this book has helped thousands transform their working lives. Now the paperback edition features a comprehensive 30-page resource guide that explains the basics of working for oneself.

网友对Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself的评论


Daniel Pink reports the results of his background research and a large number of interviews with "free agents" who work for themselves as consultants, contractors, and small businesses of one. He claims that this is a growing trend in the American workforce and explores the lifestyles, business plans, and satisfaction of these independent workers.

We are no longer in the "new economy" of 2002 and the playing field has changed a bit. Is this book still worth reading? In the reviewer's opinion, it remains relevant for three reasons. First, even in a challenging, then recovering economy, there are many opportunities for "nanocorps" that can offer quick, flexible service to corporations that don't want to bring those services inside. Second, the recent economic pressures have spurred many to pursue after-hours work in a second job that supplements their daytime paycheck. Much of the author's advice is relevant to members of this second-shift workforce who don't have to entirely support themselves as free agents.

The third and best reason to read this book applies to those working for large companies as well as free agents, second-shifters, and other independents. Even if you are in a seemingly secure job, you should take a large measure of responsibility for your own career, thinking like a free agent or as someone who may become one with very little notice. This includes taking initiative to develop new skills, even funding training out of your own pocket. It may include purchasing your own computer equipment, reference materials and business cards when your employer will not. This book encourages all of us to prepare for portability to another organization--or to no organization. We are more occupationally and financially secure if we listen to this advice.

A final thought. As we move into an era of increased government regulation, what will happen to free agents? It is unlikely all will be absorbed into large organizations, even if the regulatory environment becomes unfriendly to small businesses. Some, perhaps many, will go underground to become economic partisans, fighting their own low-profile war for survival. I wonder if a new version of the book will be released as "Black Market Nation?"

This book is recommended. The author's latest thinking about the workforce can be found on the "Fast Company" web site and in his latest book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.

This fellow beat me to the punch, so to speak, because he all but took all the conclusions and musings I have been ruminating about the way our workforce has been heading, and put them down much better than I could have expressed them, I'm sure! He even went several better, and included interviews with various types of free agents, their own personal stories. I, personally, find this trend wonderfully encouraging and the best thing to happen to the US since Kennedy was elected. It means we are getting our gumption back, and we still have hope in ourselves and our nation. Best of all, it proves we are believing in ourselves again, as our eyes are opened to the true duplicity and ineffectual posturing of the greedy rabble that has infested Washington.

"Daniel Pink examines the world of work and how many of us still think about what a "Job" is... find a decent company; get health and pension benefits, move up the ladder; retire with a pension/retiree Health benefits and a gold watch. However, Pink points out that those types of employers are shrinking and we must now approach the world of work as a series of "Free Lance" consulting gigs in which we may work for 6months, 1 year, or more.
Pink also explores the rationale to redesign health care and pension benefits so they are atttached to individuals - NOT employers because we are now in a more fluid economy where we move from employer to employer and many times, with a break between work so we need health plans that stay with us and don't lapse bewteen assignments...
Read this book if you are still in the job market, or buy it for a student just graduating...It will help them prep for our new economic model..."

Even though it's been over a decade since this book came out, it's still and probably even more relevant today. It's well written, researched and gives good insights on the freelancer / independent contractor economy.

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